Wine, Dine, and Dazzle from Holtz Spa.
By: Karen Leon
What a wonderful start to the Christmas season
at Holtz Spa!
To mark the end of the bi-annual fashion shows
hosted at Santé Restaurant, and the
beginning of the festive season, Holtz Spa hosted a finale fashion show to
display the latest trends in hair and makeup.
The looks that Shwarzkopf displayed in their new
collection for both men and women were inspired by modern edgy professionals,
retro but classy 40s styles, and romantic fantasy.
To carry out these visions, the hair stylists
showcased their skills and abilities using coloring from Shwarzkopf. The hair
styling products supplied by Kevin Murphy further defined these inspired looks.
To complete and polish the looks, we give a big
thanks to our expert makeup artists who transformed the models. This made them
look flawless with mineral makeup provided by Jane Iredale.
Let us not forget the stunning jewelry the
models wore. These were provided by Myka, Originals by Andrea, Joshua Tree,
Jumping Junipars, and Karen McClintock.
Congratulations to both Holtz Spa and Santé Restaurant for
carrying out a memorable finale! I highly anticipate another dazzling show in
April 2014!