Photo by: Alcides Munoz
"Adrian Wu is quite possibly one of the youngest designers to hit the Canadian design scene in years.
At just 20 years young, age proves to be but a number when he has already racked up a long list of fashion accreditations in just the last year alone.
Wu taught himself to sew and managed to create 50 gowns in time to show for Vancouver Fashion Week 2010, as well as for a slew of charity events....
He also welcomed a new position as Much Music’s fashion correspondent, consulting on air for the latest trends in fashion, holding mini spot shows, and interviewing
Toronto’s top personalities during the F/W LG Fashion Week. Wu was also accepted into the coveted Instituto Marangoni, school of Fashion in London England for this fall as one of only 20 annual applicants who are chosen, but deferred the opportunity to instead open up his own self titled store in Burlington, ON."
[from the Adrian Wu Fan Facebook Page:]
At just 20 years young, age proves to be but a number when he has already racked up a long list of fashion accreditations in just the last year alone.
Wu taught himself to sew and managed to create 50 gowns in time to show for Vancouver Fashion Week 2010, as well as for a slew of charity events....
He also welcomed a new position as Much Music’s fashion correspondent, consulting on air for the latest trends in fashion, holding mini spot shows, and interviewing
Toronto’s top personalities during the F/W LG Fashion Week. Wu was also accepted into the coveted Instituto Marangoni, school of Fashion in London England for this fall as one of only 20 annual applicants who are chosen, but deferred the opportunity to instead open up his own self titled store in Burlington, ON."
[from the Adrian Wu Fan Facebook Page:]
Adrian Wu recently showed his Holiday collection here in Ottawa at the Ottawa Convention Centre. This young designer is crazy talented and has a unique perspective when it comes to what he does. I recently got the chance to ask him a few questions and here is what came out of it! Adrian is honest in his answers and shows that he is way beyond his years. He has a unique take on art and the fashion industry. He truly is an artist and a visionary. Check out his intelligent answers to my questions below:
1- Around what age did your interest in fashion begin?
My interest in fashion really started at age 18 years old about 3 years ago. I have come to think that there is a fine line difference between fashion and ascetics. I see ascetics as simply the creation of beautiful things. I think and know that is a certain science behind this idea of what is beautiful. And I say this because fashion isn't just about the clothes, it doesn't have to be. I have always had an interest in beautiful things as a child, It just took me a while to realize what things I'm good at... making beautiful.
2- How did you know that fashion is what you wanted to go into?
I find that it is a coincidence that people started calling me a designer and therefore lead me fashion. I really didn't want to go into it, and I still resent the idea. Fashion to me is very much a convenient way to define my abilities. Art is what I went into in my head, the performative and consumer controlled aspects of the whole job is definitely giving me headaches.
3- Did you ever go to school in fashion or are you self-taught?
I am a self-taught designer. This industry cannot be compared to system of academic achievement. I think its ridiculous that people think the only road to anything is institutionalize education. Education is flawed within our society and the last thing I need is people telling what I can and can't do. All you need in this industry is - a portfolio, money, and connections.
4- Tell us a little about your personal style.
It changes everyday. I get bored. Life is boring. Repetitiveness is boring. It's funny cause 'style' or 'your style' is a little ironic to me. You should never have a style, your style should always be different. Right now, its jeans and a t-shirt.
5- What do you think is a staple piece in every man and woman's wardrobe? What is the one piece you yourself cannot live without?
It's subjective. Yes, I can tell you that every guy needs a pair of skinny jean and a women should always have a little black dress, but that isn't my job. In my eyes, my job is to make you think. My job is to make you re-think your ideas about fashion. I'm a designer that cares very little about people. In all respect, maybe ask that to a stylist.
6- Tell us a little more about your most recent collection and what inspired you when it came to it's creation.
My most recent collection was inspired by minimalism and maximalism - this as a philosophical and fine art reference. I think youth today are brainwashed by pop culture and by doing so are persuading them to think education is boring. My work is sort of my way of re-education.
7- What is your favorite thing about fashion?
That there are no rules, but ironically there is. There is a paradox about the whole industry and I love it.
8- What do you think is a good thing about being apart of the Canadian fashion market? And how is it to be so popular in it at such a young age?
There is nothing good about being apart of the canadian fashion market except that I am apart of it. That may sound arrogant but I think people need to be realistic about the idea. Our consumers do not buy Canadian, that is a fact because the majority and the dominant market is the european market. So yes, popularity may be a nice instant gratification here and there but I know I need to be somewhere else, when you talk about 'the business of fashion'.
9- What are your plans for the future? Where do you see yourself and your brand 5 years from now?
I don't expect or think my brand will be anywhere in 5 years because my goal is design for a historic brand like Burberry or Chanel. I see being successful in this business like finding love. It doesn't really matter if you die alone, but if you find someone that tags along for the ride, well thats the bonus.
10- Is there anything you'd like to say to our Fave readers? Do research. Learn, read, and make mistakes. Stop with this ego you all have, no seriously. I try my best to remember everyday that I am just a person, no more or less than anyone else. Always make room for new ideas.
My interest in fashion really started at age 18 years old about 3 years ago. I have come to think that there is a fine line difference between fashion and ascetics. I see ascetics as simply the creation of beautiful things. I think and know that is a certain science behind this idea of what is beautiful. And I say this because fashion isn't just about the clothes, it doesn't have to be. I have always had an interest in beautiful things as a child, It just took me a while to realize what things I'm good at... making beautiful.
2- How did you know that fashion is what you wanted to go into?
I find that it is a coincidence that people started calling me a designer and therefore lead me fashion. I really didn't want to go into it, and I still resent the idea. Fashion to me is very much a convenient way to define my abilities. Art is what I went into in my head, the performative and consumer controlled aspects of the whole job is definitely giving me headaches.
3- Did you ever go to school in fashion or are you self-taught?
I am a self-taught designer. This industry cannot be compared to system of academic achievement. I think its ridiculous that people think the only road to anything is institutionalize education. Education is flawed within our society and the last thing I need is people telling what I can and can't do. All you need in this industry is - a portfolio, money, and connections.
4- Tell us a little about your personal style.
It changes everyday. I get bored. Life is boring. Repetitiveness is boring. It's funny cause 'style' or 'your style' is a little ironic to me. You should never have a style, your style should always be different. Right now, its jeans and a t-shirt.
5- What do you think is a staple piece in every man and woman's wardrobe? What is the one piece you yourself cannot live without?
It's subjective. Yes, I can tell you that every guy needs a pair of skinny jean and a women should always have a little black dress, but that isn't my job. In my eyes, my job is to make you think. My job is to make you re-think your ideas about fashion. I'm a designer that cares very little about people. In all respect, maybe ask that to a stylist.
6- Tell us a little more about your most recent collection and what inspired you when it came to it's creation.
My most recent collection was inspired by minimalism and maximalism - this as a philosophical and fine art reference. I think youth today are brainwashed by pop culture and by doing so are persuading them to think education is boring. My work is sort of my way of re-education.
7- What is your favorite thing about fashion?
That there are no rules, but ironically there is. There is a paradox about the whole industry and I love it.
8- What do you think is a good thing about being apart of the Canadian fashion market? And how is it to be so popular in it at such a young age?
There is nothing good about being apart of the canadian fashion market except that I am apart of it. That may sound arrogant but I think people need to be realistic about the idea. Our consumers do not buy Canadian, that is a fact because the majority and the dominant market is the european market. So yes, popularity may be a nice instant gratification here and there but I know I need to be somewhere else, when you talk about 'the business of fashion'.
9- What are your plans for the future? Where do you see yourself and your brand 5 years from now?
I don't expect or think my brand will be anywhere in 5 years because my goal is design for a historic brand like Burberry or Chanel. I see being successful in this business like finding love. It doesn't really matter if you die alone, but if you find someone that tags along for the ride, well thats the bonus.
10- Is there anything you'd like to say to our Fave readers? Do research. Learn, read, and make mistakes. Stop with this ego you all have, no seriously. I try my best to remember everyday that I am just a person, no more or less than anyone else. Always make room for new ideas.
Thank you so much to Adrian for doing this interview!
Stay tuned for a more in depth VIDEO interview with him soon!
What do you think of this young designer?
Please check out his website at for more info on him and his collections :)
- Gen
Photo by: Matthew Treacy
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